I recently found myself incredibly fucked up at a bar. Big goddamned surprise. Gary was hosting some incredibly attractive female from some other state for the weekend. Also a big goddamned surprise.
At some point, while standing in the gutter, waiting for Little Bean to maybe puke in that gutter, an incredibly intoxicated Herminio decided it would be a great idea to grenade-lob his glass into the road. Another big goddamned surprise.
A very manish looking woman about to mount her bike, spent about 3 minutes trying to kick the glass out of the bike lane, where most of it had accumulated. While this was occurring, I was thoroughly enjoying watching Gary's houseguest completely mind-fuck about 4 unbelievably desperate drunken assholes. Guys having the best night of their lives, as this fucking vixen in skin-tight leather pants paid them some, obviously, not-so-standard attention.
Because she was wasted, Gary worried about it getting out of hand, as many a fingered appendage wandered its way to her leather-clad (incredible) ass. He finally shepherded her away from the douchebaggery, out into the street where we were standing, near a lot of glass.
She had previously removed her shoes, and after being cautioned about the copious glass shards in her vicinity, she proceeded to belligerently stomp and grind her feet into the street, saying something profound like, "I don't give a fuck, I can't even feel it."
"That's because you haven't hit any glass yet, you dumb bitch," I yelled in my head.
It took me less than 20 seconds to realize that I totally hated (and by hated, I mean severely disliked) this girl. And that she was terribly fucking stupid.
Later, I learned that she is just terribly fucking afflicted with aspergers syndrome. Big goddamned surprise.
Anyways, around 3 am, Herminio and I, in our drunken state, decided that ordering a 26" pizza was a great idea. We way over anticipated the amount of people that we were going to be able to convince to come over and partake of said pizza.
Gary managed to find his way back over, while also managing to leave Aspergers at home. At some point, Gary received a phone call from some girl demanding sex or something. The big goddamned surprises of this night were endless. She also happened to have a friend who was apparently desperate to make out with someone.
While Herminio and I were intrigued, Gary most certainly was not. He was certain that this girl would want to go home with him, which obviously wouldn't work, because Aspergers was there, and would do God knows what, should Gary stumble home with another female. Probably grind glass into her feet. We decided to let them come over.
So they arrived, and the girl with the larger tits, who also happened to be the one apparently jonesing for a make out, began shamelessly comparing her much larger tits to her friends much smaller tits. And not so casually inviting her friend to cuddle with her, apparently thinking that some girl-on-girl cuddling would cause our loins to burn with desire.
Every girl I met tonight was fucking stupid. I texted Herminion, "These girls are fucking stupid." He didn't notice. He was too busy using a tiny Asian as a cockblock. I was tired/passing out. Herminio and tiny Asian were tired/passing out. Gary was pretending to be tired, and pretending to pass out. These 2 dumbshits were on a fucking mission. So outside on the balcony they went to smoke, along with Gary. To the couch I went, with a blanket.
A short time later, Big Tits comes in. I'm half asleep, and not terribly coherent. She says, "Hey, can you come here and help me with something?"
"Curious," I thought. "Very fucking curious."
So I stumbled up, and followed her towards a bedroom, where I was then lead to a bed, and then promptly pounced upon by a girl who, it seemed, was intent upon chewing my face off. Or licking it off. Or stirring up some imagined concoction in my mouth. I came to the conclusion in about 14 seconds that either: A) I was somewhere around the 3rd person she had ever kissed, or B) she had never kissed anyone more than once.
I felt like I was being mauled and clawed by a feral dog. The one thing that almost made the experience only mostly fucking miserable, and her one redeeming quality, of which she had previously made ample mention, was her mountainous chest region, into which she forcefully shoved my face up to 4 times.
I have no idea what her name was. At one point, after a few minutes, she said "Oh, I probably can only stay for like, 5 more minutes," to which I responded "Oh." Which was the first, and also second to last thing that I said during the entire ordeal. The last was, "Okay," after "I have to go now...goodnight."
It's been at least 3 years since I kissed someone that made me contemplate never participating in that activity ever again. I vow, if ever I find myself in an "am I kissing a fucking sloppy bear?" scenario, I-don't-know-her-name may be somewhat shocked when I stop the whole thing in mid-misery and say, "Enough. My penis has withered, and I don't even think someone spending life in prison could possibly enjoy this."
And I guess it shouldn't be a big goddamned surprise when I get punched right in the withered penis.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
God, I hate blogs that start this way
Here I go, indulging in one of my most hated pet peeves in the realm of blogging: the "hey, this is why I decided to start a blog, here is the first one, here I fucking go" post.
I have another blog. People read it. Quite a few, in fact. Listen to me, toot my own goddamn horn. One of the people who happens to (quite frequently) read my blog, would be my mother. Some things, a true gentleman just doesn't want his mother to read. I think my mother's uterus would wither up inside her, were she to encounter the fuck word in one of my posts.
It is time for a new outlet; one which isn't so censored. Because most of what I would love to write about, I never end up writing about. You know, the whole withering uterus thing. I love my mother, and the last thing I wish to do, is ruin her uterus. Or at the very least cause her to curse that uterus from whence I erupted, so very long ago.
Last night, I decided that it was time for a new life experience. Since, because I love wearing plaid, I also inherently love the band Ratatat, I thought that at a concert, surrounded by my dearest friends, as well as a slough of pre-pubescent 10 year olds, glow stick twirling fucking rejects, and killer beats, that ecstasy might be something I should delve into.
Mind you, I have always been fairly anti drug. I was the goddamned poster child for D.A.R.E. until my mid twenties. And, in fact, I am still, to a certain degree, against the idea of drugs (but not, obviously, the idea of using at least—but not limited to—6 commas in one short sentence.) I don't like the idea of relying upon chemical means to create an experience. I have always feared developing a dependence upon said chemicals, to experience anything extraordinary.
I have, however, always been somewhat curious about ecstasy. I mean anything that "will make you feel super fucking cool dude," is like, a pretty easy sell for me. I'm just waiting for some shaky as shit meth head to approach me with a spoon, lighter, and a mouth full of rotten teeth to offer me a fucking good time.
Anyways, some of my friends occasionally delve into the lighter side of the drug world. All had been planning for weeks to have a glorious, drug induced, mutually enlightening experience during Ratatat. Our hearts were going to meld together during a couple short hours of drug enhanced cognizance.
Weighing in at about 200 lbs, 1.6 hits wasn't quite enough for me. Or, I have an innate drug resilience gene. Either way, I wasn't rolling as I had hoped. While I felt "cool," it was short of "super fucking cool."
What the drug did do, however, was sweep me into a very pensive, contemplative state. After the show, I felt as though I was drifting through time, like a semi-substantial ghost, flowing through a jell-o mold. One thing I realized, in this pretty-fucking-hard to describe state, was that I'm a terribly judgmental human being. This occurred to me for a couple of reasons.
First of all, Little Bean told me I was judgmental as shit. But she included herself, and her boyfriend in that assessment. And I think, for the first time in my life, I whole heartedly agreed with that evaluation. I have always deemed myself the penultimate accepting person, because I grew up in a Mormon society, yet still manage to love gays, and people who "sin." Look at me, high fiving illegal immigrants, bitches eschewing previously live fetuses into bio-hazard bags, and stem cell researchers.
But in reality, I'm a big goddamned fraud.
I see the dude with the huge arm muscles, god-awful tribal shit tattooed all over them, wearing an Affliction t-shirt and immediately assume he is a big fucking douche. And maybe, 90% of the time, I am absolutely right. But who am I to judge? How did I become this pretentious hipster piece of shit, who immediately shifts into a state of absolute reticence the moment some alien other enters my comfort zone? "God, she is wearing flare jeans. Who the hell invited her?"
What an asshole.
I'm so tired of not giving people the benefit of the doubt. Because EVERYBODY deserves the benefit of the doubt. Who is anybody to judge anyone else? In the end, I think we're all just trying to find something that makes us feel like we fit into the universe in a meaningful way. Some people find that in religion. Some people find it in art. Some people find it in weed. Who gives a shit. All I know is, I am done immediately assuming the worst.
I also realized last night, now much I love and adore certain people in my life. This isn't something that is singularly drug induced—I often have sober, infinite moments when I realize that I really truly love a human being.
I realized that I love Herminio when, as he sat on the railing, high above some 60's era vehicle, I thought that if he got bumped off by one of the drunken idiots on the balcony, and ended up in a mangled pile of bone and viscera on a concave car hood, that I would be really fucking upset, and maybe the offender would follow him over the railing.
I realized that I really love Little Bean, when the thought of her being accidentally pregnant, and moving home, really hurt my heart.
I realized how much I really love Padraic when Arnold Schwarzenegger came on screen, and all I could think about was how much I wanted him to be there to see that. He loves Arnold so much.
I don't need drugs to be happy. I don't need drugs to create meaningful experiences. But, it seems, that sometimes....they sure help nudge you there.
Here I fucking go.
I have another blog. People read it. Quite a few, in fact. Listen to me, toot my own goddamn horn. One of the people who happens to (quite frequently) read my blog, would be my mother. Some things, a true gentleman just doesn't want his mother to read. I think my mother's uterus would wither up inside her, were she to encounter the fuck word in one of my posts.
It is time for a new outlet; one which isn't so censored. Because most of what I would love to write about, I never end up writing about. You know, the whole withering uterus thing. I love my mother, and the last thing I wish to do, is ruin her uterus. Or at the very least cause her to curse that uterus from whence I erupted, so very long ago.
Last night, I decided that it was time for a new life experience. Since, because I love wearing plaid, I also inherently love the band Ratatat, I thought that at a concert, surrounded by my dearest friends, as well as a slough of pre-pubescent 10 year olds, glow stick twirling fucking rejects, and killer beats, that ecstasy might be something I should delve into.
Mind you, I have always been fairly anti drug. I was the goddamned poster child for D.A.R.E. until my mid twenties. And, in fact, I am still, to a certain degree, against the idea of drugs (but not, obviously, the idea of using at least—but not limited to—6 commas in one short sentence.) I don't like the idea of relying upon chemical means to create an experience. I have always feared developing a dependence upon said chemicals, to experience anything extraordinary.
I have, however, always been somewhat curious about ecstasy. I mean anything that "will make you feel super fucking cool dude," is like, a pretty easy sell for me. I'm just waiting for some shaky as shit meth head to approach me with a spoon, lighter, and a mouth full of rotten teeth to offer me a fucking good time.
Anyways, some of my friends occasionally delve into the lighter side of the drug world. All had been planning for weeks to have a glorious, drug induced, mutually enlightening experience during Ratatat. Our hearts were going to meld together during a couple short hours of drug enhanced cognizance.
Weighing in at about 200 lbs, 1.6 hits wasn't quite enough for me. Or, I have an innate drug resilience gene. Either way, I wasn't rolling as I had hoped. While I felt "cool," it was short of "super fucking cool."
What the drug did do, however, was sweep me into a very pensive, contemplative state. After the show, I felt as though I was drifting through time, like a semi-substantial ghost, flowing through a jell-o mold. One thing I realized, in this pretty-fucking-hard to describe state, was that I'm a terribly judgmental human being. This occurred to me for a couple of reasons.
First of all, Little Bean told me I was judgmental as shit. But she included herself, and her boyfriend in that assessment. And I think, for the first time in my life, I whole heartedly agreed with that evaluation. I have always deemed myself the penultimate accepting person, because I grew up in a Mormon society, yet still manage to love gays, and people who "sin." Look at me, high fiving illegal immigrants, bitches eschewing previously live fetuses into bio-hazard bags, and stem cell researchers.
But in reality, I'm a big goddamned fraud.
I see the dude with the huge arm muscles, god-awful tribal shit tattooed all over them, wearing an Affliction t-shirt and immediately assume he is a big fucking douche. And maybe, 90% of the time, I am absolutely right. But who am I to judge? How did I become this pretentious hipster piece of shit, who immediately shifts into a state of absolute reticence the moment some alien other enters my comfort zone? "God, she is wearing flare jeans. Who the hell invited her?"
What an asshole.
I'm so tired of not giving people the benefit of the doubt. Because EVERYBODY deserves the benefit of the doubt. Who is anybody to judge anyone else? In the end, I think we're all just trying to find something that makes us feel like we fit into the universe in a meaningful way. Some people find that in religion. Some people find it in art. Some people find it in weed. Who gives a shit. All I know is, I am done immediately assuming the worst.
I also realized last night, now much I love and adore certain people in my life. This isn't something that is singularly drug induced—I often have sober, infinite moments when I realize that I really truly love a human being.
I realized that I love Herminio when, as he sat on the railing, high above some 60's era vehicle, I thought that if he got bumped off by one of the drunken idiots on the balcony, and ended up in a mangled pile of bone and viscera on a concave car hood, that I would be really fucking upset, and maybe the offender would follow him over the railing.
I realized that I really love Little Bean, when the thought of her being accidentally pregnant, and moving home, really hurt my heart.
I realized how much I really love Padraic when Arnold Schwarzenegger came on screen, and all I could think about was how much I wanted him to be there to see that. He loves Arnold so much.
I don't need drugs to be happy. I don't need drugs to create meaningful experiences. But, it seems, that sometimes....they sure help nudge you there.
Here I fucking go.
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